19 NATIONAL BRAUNVIEH SALE • JANUARY 16, 2022 API Index +95.62 TI Index +63.94 OFFERED BY BARTLEY LIVESTOCK Junior Showman take note! Long and extended through her front one third, followed by a deep sweeping rib and stout hip this BeefBuilder heifer is sure to turn heads in the show ring. This heifer is a half blood out of the 2016 Junior National Champion Heifer, AGB Kelsie B152. 47 BL MS JEWEL 3/25/21 • BAA #BC101753 • Double Polled BL J005 • 47.8 % BU 50% HH 2.2% XX COW CED BW WW YW Milk TM CEM Act BW Adj WW Adj YW +10.6 +1 +50 +61 +6 +31 +4.4 76 Weights EPDs AGB KELSIE B152 ET OCC KELLIE 152X 52 MHF UNDAUNTED U820 ET KBEE MARKETTE N162 KBEE 200Z PRINCE HENRY I M208 Indexes Sire Dam BL MS JEWEL / Lot 44 API Index +93.57 TI Index +63.73 OFFERED BY WOLKENS CORNERSTONE CATTLE RANCH Thismoderatepolledpurebredheifermaybebeautifully tiger stripe,but don’t overlookher the phenomenal depthof body, capacity, and overallmaternal look tomake a her a great producer formanyyears tocome! 48 WCCR TIGRESS 1038 3/15/21 • BAA #PB102244 • Polled WCCR 1038 • 15/16 Purebred Braunvieh COW CED BW WW YW Milk TM CEM Act BW Adj WW Adj YW +11.5 +1.5 +52 +70 +9 +34 +4.1 75 Weights EPDs TML SILVERADO 108S WCCR CORNERSTONE 1068 WOLKEN’S MISS 571 WCCR PREFERRED STOCK 7212 MISS BOR C PHENOMENONZWEI WCCR STETSON 2012 ET Indexes Sire Dam WCCR TIGRESS 1038 / Lot 41 Purebred Opens - Fro z en Gene t i c sMating Quantity Sire Sire BAAA# Dam Dam BAAA# Quinto x 2015 2 Quinto 7358-4 SI7681 Miss Golden Link 2015 PB44948 Lot 49 Embryos OFFERED BY DIAMOND 7 RANCH Quinto brings old foundation power which should really make a stout powerful result when combined with 2015 who is deep, wide, attractive and very maternal. Sire BAAA# Sambo (NC) Jordi 8240-94 IM1 GLB Sam 627 ET OB741 Mr Goldenlink 655 Lot 50 OFFERED BY DIAMOND 7 RANCH The best of the early Fullblood genetics. PACKAGE OF 9 UNITS (3 UNITS ON EACH BULL) stored at South-East Semen Center in Florida, shipping will be at the expense of the buyer. Sire BAAA# GLB Sampson 629 ET OB742 GLB “Mr Prime” 035 OB2260 SSB Mr Beau OB25992 GLB Mombo ET OB52790 S-52 Lynard Skynard OB57604 Lot 51 OFFERED BY KEITH & KEITH BRAUNVIEH PACKAGE OF 50 UNITS (10 UNITS ON EACH BULL) Will have available for pick up at the sale. Sire BAAA# Dado SI94 Quinto SI7681 Ural SI17815 Concorde CA9954 Alex 007 CA18447 Lot 52 OFFERED BY KEITH & KEITH BRAUNVIEH PACKAGE OF 50 UNITS (10 UNITS ON EACH BULL) Will have available for pick up at the sale.