5 NATIONAL BRAUNVIEH SALE • JANUARY 16, 2022 API Index +81.92 TI Index +58.99 OFFERED BY LANE & LANE BRAUNVIEH AniceFullbloodcowwithalotof futureahead. PlantobreedbackinlateNovember. Atsaletime shecouldbea3 in1package. Fullbloodheifer calf at side. Lot7A:HeiferCalf born9/23/202. Tattoo: LLBJ38 7 LLB MISS MOLLY 10/25/16 • BAA #OB91774 • Horned LLB D38 • 16/16 Fullblood COW CED BW WW YW Milk TM CEM Act BW Adj WW Adj YW +9.2 +1.9 +48 +62 +14 +38 +2.6 74 508 Weights EPDs KWC HAL F606 ET LADY 42 HEIF MISS KKB R61 MCB MR F020 7123 RJB MS Y305 RJB MR A 26 Indexes Sire Dam API Index +82.36 TI Index +56.78 OFFERED BY DIAMOND N 7 RANCH Foundation genetics in this cow, her sire Nelson was one of the top early sires in Canada and was apaternal sib to thegreat import femaleForelle forGoldenLink. Her bottomsidepedigree includesmanynoteworthy foundationsiresaswell. Parent verified. Lot8A:Bull calf born10/10/2021siredbyN7RBeef Empire40G. 8 N7R LADY RICE 81F 2/14/18 • BAA #OB93763 • Horned 81F • 16/16 Fullblood COW CED BW WW YW Milk TM CEM Act BW Adj WW Adj YW +10.5 +1.9 +45 +58 +11 +33 +5.5 88 Weights EPDs GOLD 7175-23 OBERAMT BODINE’S MS 6R ER LICORICE 45N ER LOCKE 88L GABA 2914-21 NELSON 14582-21 Indexes Sire Dam API Index +102.31 TI Index +62.12 OFFERED BY QUAIL PASS GENETICS This homozygous polled cow comes from the heart of our operation. A “PFI Walker” granddaughter mixed with Polled PLUS, Vernon, DBL Eagle, and El Conquistador; is bred maternal and it shows year after year.Don’t let theage fool youon thisone she is still producing calves thatareinthetopof thereplacementpen. Bull calf at sideDOB9/12/2021 withabirth weight of 75lbs.This calf impressesusdailywithhis smoothmakeup,structural correctness,and his calmdemeanor.SiredbyQPGGI Joe1904asonof our$17000KellieDonor.Botharehalter brokeandwill beentered intheshow,shouldthe luckynewownerwant themexhibited. Check Facebook forupdatedpicturesandvideos! Lot9A:Bull calf born9/12/2021siredbyQPGGIJoe1904. 9 BLC RIATA 557Z 9/1/12 • BAA #PB80731 • Double Polled BLC 557Z • 15/16 Purebred Braunvieh COW CED BW WW YW Milk TM CEM Act BW Adj WW Adj YW +10.6 +1.9 +48 +63 +18 +42 +1.9 90 496 701 Weights EPDs BLC TRU POLL RANGER 516T BLC PEARL PLUS 556T SPLIT DIAMOND PLUS 708 PFI “WALKER” J915 MISS BLU 190S BLC POL RANCHER 190W Indexes Sire Dam API Index +94.9 TI Index +56.96 OFFERED BY DIAMOND N 7 RANCH Paternal sib to N7R Polarsteel 57E. Flawless conformation, beautiful udder, great feet, parent verified,homozygouspolled,verymoderate female. Extremely typeyheifer calf at side. Lot 10A: Heifer calf, N7R Betsy Ross 111J, born 7/4/2021 sired by N7R Colonel Havelock 27F. BAA#PB101205 10 N7R LADY MORAINE 77E 9/6/17 • BAA #PB93729 • Homo Polled (T) 77E • 15/16 Purebred Braunvieh COW CED BW WW YW Milk TM CEM Act BW Adj WW Adj YW +12.5 -2 +33 +38 +11 +27 +4.2 77 408 Weights EPDs FR N7R BONAFIDE Z211 DIA N GRETA 69A DIA N GRETA 817U DIA N POLAR BEAR 922W DIA N HERSHEY 16X N7R REDHAVEN 16B Indexes Sire Dam BLC RIATA 557Z / LOT 9 - F u l l B l o o d G e n e t i c s - Cow Calf Pairs