18 The historic O RO Ranch, best known by its O RO brand, is located in northern Arizona about 50 miles North West of Prescott. The cattle are branded O RO and the horses RO. Cowboy’s usually refer to the outfit as the “RO’s.” The ranch contains the 100,000 acre Baca Float #5, as well as an additional 157,000 acres on the West side. The JJJ Corporation has owned the ranch since 1973. Neither the land, nor the remote O RO, have changed much in the past century and a quarter. It’s still some of the roughest and untamed land in the Southwest with elevations running from 4,000 to 7,500 feet. The ranch is divided up into five year-around cow camps. Cowboys throughout the West consider it the top ranch of its size. In the early years, it was truly a “horseback ranch” in that all the work was done from the back of a horse. All the supplies had to be hauled in by freight wagon and pack mules. Its mule-drawn chuck wagon was one of the last in Arizona. Jane Droppa, who owns the RO’s along with her family, shares the philosophy of maintaining tradition while staying current with modern trends. Her dedication to raising beef, while preserving the rugged, horseback nature of the job, makes for a unique outfit, and cowboys recognize and appreciate the opportunity to work at the RO’s. JED ROARK 30350 W. O RO RANCH RD, PRESCOTT, AZ 86305 | 928-445-2780 | ORORANCH-AZ.COM O RO RANCH LOTS 117-118