To the joy, enthusiasm and excitement of Stock Show rodeo fans, the 2022 FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament made a triumphant return to Dickies Arena. First was the caliber of the competition which was elevated by a string of rough stock matched only by the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. “If a cowboy makes the whistle in Fort Worth, you can bet it’s going to be one heck of a ride, because we’ll run the best horses and bulls in the business underneath these athletes,” said Stock Show Director of Rodeo Operations, Cal White. “We work equally hard at bringing the sport’s very best athletes and rough stock to our PRORODEO Tournament.” FWSSR records were set in bareback bronc riding, barrel racing and saddle bronc riding. Bareback bronc sensation, Kaycee Field, scored an amazing 93 points on a horse named Stevie Nicks in the finals on February 5, making it Field’s fourth FWSSR title which is a Stock Show record in bareback bronc riding. Few professional rodeo results these days don’t have the name Stetson Wright listed somewhere in the winner’s column and he’s now the third member of the famous Utah bronc and bull riding family to claim a Fort Worth championship buckle. Wright scored 91.5 points in the Saddle Bronc Riding finals to clinch the title and inch out his father, Cody, who scored 91 in 2011, for the FWSSR arena record. National Finals Rodeo (NFR) qualifier, Wenda Johnson burned up the Dickies Arena floor with barrel racing runs of 16.17 during a preliminary round then clocking a scorching 16.08 in the finals. Both were arena records. Holding down a fulltime job as a nurse practitioner, the Oklahoman is selective about the rodeos she enters in order to maximize opportunities for a NFR return in December. The $24,520 Johnson earned in Fort Worth will go a long way toward the goal. As a recent first-time father, Sage Kimzey had been sticking close to mom and newborn son, Steele, between the National Finals in December and the FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament. The bullrider told his wife the trip to Fort Worth would count. “I told Alexis,” Kimzey said in a PRCA news release, “if I’m going to be gone from you two, I’m going to make it worth it.” Not only did he ride four bulls – two in the bracket, one in the Semi Finals – he scored 91.5 in the finals to capture the win. PRORODEO Tournament RODEO EXCITEMENT RETURNS TO DICKIES ARENA KAYCEE FEILD SCORES 93 STETSON WRIGHT’S 91.5 POINT RIDE TUCKNESS RECEIVES LANE FROST AWARD With the exception of an induction into the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame, few rodeo accolades compare to being recognized with the Lane Frost Award. Presented annually during the Stock Show, previous recipients with strong Fort Worth connections include John Justin, Pam Minick, Bob Tallman, Tom Feller, Tandy Freeman, Ed Bass, Patrick Gottsch and Cleo Hearn. Because of his dedication to protecting bull riders at the Stock Show’s rodeo for 13 years, witnessing Dusty Tuckness walk onto the Dickies Arena floor to accept this prestigious award was very special to local fans. “Dusty Tuckness’ impact on the sport of bull riding is tremendous,” said Stock Show President and General Manager Bradford S. Barnes. “There isn’t anyone more deserving of an award bestowed in Lane Frost’s name than Dusty. His devotion to the trade of protecting cowboys is unsurpassed and character both inside and out of the arena is impeccable.” 6